ブザーモジュールを下記図のようにOSOYOO UNOボードに接続します。
OSOYOO UNO | ブザーモジュール |
3.3 V | VCC |
D13 | I/O |
こちらをクリック–赤外線リモートコントロール:ARgithub.com/shirriff/Arduino-IRremoteDUINO LIBRARY
注意!!ライブラリIRRobotRemoteを備えたアルドゥイーノの最新バージョンを使用している場合、競合する可能性があるので、ライブラリを一旦削除する必要があります。アルドゥイーノ(root)/ libraries / RobotIRremoteを必ず削除してください。アルドゥイーノ(root)はアルドゥイーノのインストールディレクトリを指します。ライブラリRobotIRremoteにはIRremoteと同様の定義があり、エラーが発生します。
このリンク からスケッチをダウンロードするか、以下のコードをアルドゥイーノIDEウィンドウにコピーします。
#include <IRremote.h> const int irReceiverPin =3; //受信モジュールのSIGはpin3
const int buzzerPin = 13;//13ピンをブザーに接続します IRrecv irrecv(irReceiverPin); //IRrecv タイプの変数を作成します decode_results results; void setup() { pinMode(buzzerPin,OUTPUT);//ブザーピンを出力として設定します digitalWrite(buzzerPin,HIGH); Serial.begin(9600);//irrecvを初期化します。 irrecv.enableIRIn(); // ir受信機モジュールを有効にする } void loop() { if (irrecv.decode(&results)) //赤外線受信モジュールの受信データ { Serial.print("irCode: "); //"irCode: "を送信する出力 Serial.print(results.value, HEX); //値を16進数で出力します Serial.print(", bits: "); //" , bits: " を送信する Serial.println(results.bits); //bitsを結果に出力する irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value } delay(600); //delay 600ms if(results.value == 0xFF38C7)//「OK」ボタンを押すと、受信モジュールは0xFF38C7を受信します { digitalWrite(buzzerPin,LOW);//ブザーのビーブ音(低音) } else { digitalWrite(buzzerPin,HIGH);//stop beep } }
DownLoad Url osoyoo.com
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Diagram says remove the seal. I did not have a seal on my buzzer. It is also not making any noise when I run the program and hit “ok” on my remote. Is there something I am missing?
No seal will be ok. no need worry.
In order to address your problem, please reply following questions:
1) Did you upload the sketch to arduino? any compiling error?
2)When you press IR remote “OK” button, did you see any response in Arduino Serial monitor?
If yes, please copy paste your result in the the comments.
1) No errors during compiling.
2) No result was displayed in the serial monitor after pressing the button.
Please advise.
Correction the following is being outputted.
irCode: FF38C7, bits: 32
irCode: FF38C7, bits: 32
irCode: FF38C7, bits: 32
irCode: FF38C7, bits: 32
irCode: FF38C7, bits: 32
irCode: FF38C7, bits: 32
irCode: FF38C7, bits: 32
Your IR remote and receiver are working well. Not sure if this is the buzzer problem. please download following test sketch:
You will find 3 sketches, buzzer1.ino, buzzer2.ino, buzzer3.ino
tell me which sketches can make your buzzer make noise, which sketch does not make noise.
I will give you solution after getting your answer.
buzzer1.ino worked. The other 2 did not.
Thanks for the support.
Trying to understand the sketches you sent me. It has to do something with the buzzer when it is in the low state, which is 0V being received by the buzzer?
Your test result shows the buzzer is a passive buzzer which can not be alarmed by 1 or 0. It must be alarm by 1/0 loop. So I changed the code for you, please download the sketch from following link:
After running the sketch, press the OK key and the buzzer should make sound.
By the way, can you tell me what is your purchase link of this kit?
Great thank you. This worked.
I purchased this kit through Amazon. Barcode reads X002BKGVW9 if that helps.
Do you have amazon purchase link? We need to know which learning kit you purchased and update the related tutorial.
Hi, Omnion43,
can you leave us a good review in above Amazon purchase link?
Thanks a lot!
The code is wrong
Here is the edited code:-
#include “IRremote.h”
const int irReceiverPin = 3; // the SIG of the receiver module attached to pin 3
const int buzzerPin = 13; // pin 13 connected to a buzzer
IRrecv irrecv(irReceiverPin); // Creates a variable of type IRrecv
decode_results results;
void setup() {
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT); // set buzzer pin as OUTPUT
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);
Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // enable ir receiver module
void loop() {
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) // if the ir receiver module receives data
Serial.print(“irCode: “); // print “irCode: ”
Serial.print(results.value, HEX); // print the value in hexadecimal
Serial.print(“, bits: “); // print ” , bits: ”
Serial.println(results.bits); // print the bits
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value
delay(600); // delay 600ms
if (results.value == 0xFF38C7) // if the “OK” button is pressed, the receiver module will receive 0xFF38C7
void alarm() {
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) { // declare and initialize 'i' before using it in the loop
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);
delay(1); // wait for 1ms
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);
delay(1); // wait for 1ms
The error was that the variable 'i' was not being declared before its use in the 'alarm()' function. To fix this issue, you need to declare the variable 'i' and initialize it before using it in the 'for' loop.