This sensor is a carrier/breakout board for ST’s VL53L0X laser-ranging sensor, which measures the range to a target object up to 2 m away. The VL53L0X uses time-of-flight measurements of infrared pulses for ranging, allowing it to give accurate results independent of the target’s color and surface. Distance measurements can be read through a digital I²C interface. The board has a 2.8 V linear regulator and integrated level-shifters that allow it to work over an input voltage range of 2.6 V to 5.5 V, and the 0.1″ pin spacing makes it easy to use with standard solderless breadboards and 0.1″ perfboards.
Time of Flight Distance Sensor-VL53L0X is a high speed, high accurary and long range distance sensor based on VL53L0X.
The VL53L0X is a new generation Time-of-Flight (ToF) laser-ranging module housed in the smallest package on the market today, providing accurate distance measurement whatever the target reflectances unlike conventional technologies. It can measure absolute distances up to 2m, setting a new benchmark in ranging performance levels, opening the door to various new applications.
The VL53L0X integrates a leading-edge SPAD array (Single Photon Avalanche Diodes) and embeds ST’s second generation FlightSenseTM patented technology.
The VL53L0X’s 940 nm VCSEL emitter (VerticalCavity Surface-Emitting Laser), is totally invisible to the human eye, coupled with internal physical infrared filters, it enables longer ranging distances, higher immunity to ambient light, and better robustness to cover glass optical crosstalk.Hardware Overview
First let’s check out some of the characteristics of the VL53L1X sensor we’re dealing with, so we know what to expect out of the board.
Characteristic | Range |
Operating Voltage | 2.6V-3.5V |
Power Consumption | 20 mW @10Hz |
Measurement Range | ~40mm to 4,000mm |
Resolution | +/-1mm |
Light Source | Class 1 940nm VCSEL |
I2C Address | 0x29 |
Field of View | 15° – 27° |
Max Read Rate | 50Hz |
PIN | Description |
VDD | Regulated 2.8 V output. Almost 150 mA is available to power external components. (If you want to bypass the internal regulator, you can instead use this pin as a 2.8 V input with VIN disconnected.) |
VIN | This is the main 2.6 V to 5.5 V power supply connection. The SCL and SDA level shifters pull the I²C lines high to this level. |
GND | The ground (0 V) connection for your power supply. Your I²C control source must also share a common ground with this board. |
SDA | Level-shifted I²C data line: HIGH is VIN, LOW is 0 V |
SCL | Level-shifted I²C clock line: HIGH is VIN, LOW is 0 V |
XSHUT | This pin is an active-low shutdown input; the board pulls it up to VDD to enable the sensor by default. Driving this pin low puts the sensor into hardware standby. This input is not level-shifted. |
GPIO1 | Programmable interrupt output (VDD logic level). This output is not level-shifted. |
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The above schematic shows the additional components the carrier board incorporates to make the VL53L0 easier to use, including the voltage regulator that allows the board to be powered from a 2.6 V to 5.5 V supply and the level-shifter circuit that allows for I²C communication at the same logic voltage level as VIN. This schematic is also available as a downloadable PDF (110k pdf).
in this tutorial we are going to see how to interface the VL53L0X sensor with arduino. The VL53L0X is a I2C sensor. That means it uses the two I2C data/clock wires available on most microcontrollers, and can share those pins with other sensors as long as they don’t have an address collision.The VL53L0X is a Time of Flight distance sensor like no other you’ve used! The sensor contains a very tiny invisible laser source, and a matching sensor. let’s start our tutorial
As shown below
To begin reading sensor data, you will need to install theAdafruit_VL53L0X Library.
The easiest way to do that is to open up the Manage Libraries…menu in the Arduino IDE
Then search for Adafruit VL53L0X and click Install
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at:
Open up File->Examples->Adafruit_VL53L0X->vl53l0x and upload to your Arduino wired up to the sensor
Thats it! Now open up the serial terminal window at 115200 speed to begin the test.
Move your hand up and down to read the sensor data. Note that when nothing is detected, it will say the reading is out of range
I2C only allows one address-per-device so you have to make sure each I2C device has a unique address. The default address for the VL53L0X is 0x29 but you can change this in software.
To set the new address you can do it one of two ways. During initialization, instead of calling lox.begin(), call lox.begin(0x30)
to set the address to 0x30. Or you can, later, call lox.setAddress(0x30)
at any time.
The good news is its easy to change, the annoying part is each other sensor has to be in shutdown. You can shutdown each sensor by wiring up to the XSHUT pin to a microcontroller pin. Then perform something like this pseudo-code:
Note you must do this every time you turn on the power, the addresses are not permanent!
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