I. Objective
II. Parts and Devices
III. Hardware Installation
IV. Circuit Connection
V. Software Installation

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In this lesson, we will show you how to use Python3 Flask and Camera Stream software to control a Raspberry Pi Robot Car through the Internet. You will monitor the car’s real-time movement through its eye (front camera).

No. Picture Device Qty. Accessories Link
1 CSI camera 1 M2 push pin rivets x 4 Click here to buy
2 Servo Motor 1 M2.2*8 Self Tapping Screw x 2
M2*4 Self Tapping Screw x 1
Click here to buy
3 Mount Holder for CSI camera 1 M2 push pin rivets x 4
M1.5*6 Self Tapping Screws x2
M2*4 Self Tapping Screw x 1
click here to buy
4 Philips screwdriver 1 Click here to buy

Step 1: You must complete Lesson 1 basic framework.

Step 2: Install servo motor at the front of upper car chassis with 2pcs M2.2*8 Self Tapping Screws

Step 3: Choose slotted bracket in servo motor to cross Camera holder from top to bottom and fix blade with M1.5*6 Self Tapping Screws

Step 4: Install CSI camera to holder with 4pcs M2 push pin rivets

Step 5: Install Camera holder on servo motor with 1pc M2*4 Self Tapping Screws

Step 1) Servo Must be installed and connected PWM 15 port

Step 2) Connect CSI camera to CSI Slot of Raspberry Pi with CSI ribbon cable (Please pay attention to the connections of the cable before you install it.)

Make sure you have installed rpi.gpio, adafruit-pca9685 library and enable I2C in lesson 1, and power on the robot car.

Please use following command to start picamera  streamer server in your Raspberry Pi

Step 1: Please disable Camera in Raspberry Pi by typing following command (Note: If you burn BOOKWORM OS, you needn’t disable Camera)

sudo raspi-config

Then select → Interfacing Options→ Camera→ No→ Ok→ Finish (Please reboot the Raspberry Pi according to the notice.)

Step 2: Type following command to install mjpeg-streamer software :

wget https://osoyoo.com/driver/picar/camera.sh

Step 3: Type the following command:

bash camera.sh

After running above commands, Osoyoo Camera Stream software is installed in your Raspberry Pi. So Simple!

Step 5: Start  Camera Stream Server
Run following command in your Pi terminal will start your mjpeg-streamer server

python startcam.py

Step 6: Now you can use your browser to test the surveillance video. Now please visit http://your_raspberry_pi_ip:8899/stream.mjpg (in my case, you will see the video surveillance.

Method 1: Use browser to control a Raspberry Pi Robot Car through the Internet

Step 1: Open a new terminal window and run the following code to install the OSOYOO web camera controlled robot car software

wget https://osoyoo.com/driver/picar/mecanum.sh

Step 2: type the following command:

bash mecanum.sh

After running above commands, you will automatically create a directory called osoyoowebcar, the structure is as follows:

Step 3: type the following command to enter the folder osoyoowebcar

cd osoyoowebcar

Step 4: Then type the following command to edit the file webcar.py

nano webcar.py

Step 5: Replace ip address in line 15 to your Raspberry Pi IP address, and click “Ctrl“+”X” then “Y” to save the file and then click “enter” to exit the file.

Step 6: Then type the following command to edit the file templates/index.html

nano templates/index.html

Step 7: Please change in line 34 to your pi’s IP address, and click “Ctrl“+”X” then “Y” to save the file and then click “enter” to exit the file

Step 8: put the car on the ground and run the code by typing the following command

sudo python ~/osoyoowebcar/webcar.py

Step 9: In your PC or cell phone which is the same Wi-Fi network of your Raspberry Pi, open the browser and visit http://your_RaspberryPi_ip_address.


The arrows buttons are direction control keys, the red circle button in the middle is the STOP key. There are four speed control buttons in the bottom:

In the top of the page, there is a Camera Direction Slider, you can move the slider in order to rotate the servo and change the camera orientation.