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In this less, we’ll teach you how to use Raspberry Pi read data from BMP180 digital pressure sensor.

Hardware Preparation
1 * Raspberry Pi
1 * BMP180 digital pressure sensor
1 * Breadboard
Several jumper wires
1 * T-Extension Board with 40-Pin Cable(Optional)

Software Preparation
Note: In this lesson, we remotely control raspberry pi via PuTTy on PC. To learn how to config raspberry pi, please visit lesson 1: getting started with raspberry pi.

Experimental Principle
BMP180 digital pressure sensor can detect pressure, temperature and altitude. We will use Raspberry Pi to input these data from BMP180 sensor through II2 interface, and print the value in the terminal window.

Schematic diagram

Note: Learn more about GPIO of raspberry pi, please review our lesson 2: Introduction Of Raspberry Pi GPIO

Hardware Setup
Assembling the Circuit as followed Connection Graph


To use the I2C interface, we should enable the I2C first. Please enter the following command:

sudo  nano  /boot/config.txt

Open the file /boot/config.txt, find the code line”dtparam=i2c_arm”,checking if there is # sign in front of the line, uncomment it (remove the # in front of this line), and make sure the end of the line is”on”, finally the code should look like this:

Press Ctrl+X,and type “Y” to save the file you revised. reboot Pi.

We’ll provide two kinds of codes for C language users and Python language users.

For C language users, please follow the next step:

Please be sure installation wiringpi. If you have not installed wiringPi, read  lesson 3: installation wiringpi

Step 1) Download and unzip the code

cd ~
sudo   tar  zxvf   bmp180-c.tar.gz

Step 2) Change the path
cd   bmp180-c

Step 3) Compile code
sudo gcc -Wall -o bmp180 bmp180test.c -lwiringPi -lm

Step 4) Run program
sudo  ./bmp180
Program result
Once the program starts running , the terminal will show pressure, temperature and altitude which BMP180 sensor detects.

bmp180.h and bmp180test.c Code

#ifndef _BMP180_
#define _BMP180_

//i2c address
#define BMP180_Address 0x77

//Operating Modes
#define BMP180_ULTRALOWPOWER    0
#define BMP180_STANDARD         1
#define BMP180_HIGHRES          2
#define BMP180_ULTRAHIGHRES     3

//BMP185 Registers
#define BMP180_CAL_AC1          0xAA  //Calibration data (16 bits)
#define BMP180_CAL_AC2          0xAC  //Calibration data (16 bits)
#define BMP180_CAL_AC3          0xAE  //Calibration data (16 bits)
#define BMP180_CAL_AC4          0xB0  //Calibration data (16 bits)
#define BMP180_CAL_AC5          0xB2  //Calibration data (16 bits)
#define BMP180_CAL_AC6          0xB4  //Calibration data (16 bits)
#define BMP180_CAL_B1           0xB6  //Calibration data (16 bits)
#define BMP180_CAL_B2           0xB8  //Calibration data (16 bits)
#define BMP180_CAL_MB           0xBA  //Calibration data (16 bits)
#define BMP180_CAL_MC           0xBC  //Calibration data (16 bits)
#define BMP180_CAL_MD           0xBE  //Calibration data (16 bits)
#define BMP180_CONTROL          0xF4
#define BMP180_TEMPDATA         0xF6
#define BMP180_PRESSUREDATA     0xF6

#define BMP180_READTEMPCMD      0x2E
#define BMP180_READPRESSURECMD  0x34

#include < wiringPi.h>
#include < wiringPiI2C.h>
#include < stdio.h>
#include < math.h>
#include "bmp180.h"

short AC1,AC2,AC3,B1,B2,MB,MC,MD;
unsigned short AC4,AC5,AC6;
int fd;
char I2C_readByte(int reg)
    return (char)wiringPiI2CReadReg8(fd,reg);

unsigned short I2C_readU16(int reg)
    int MSB,LSB;
    MSB = I2C_readByte(reg);
    LSB = I2C_readByte(reg + 1);
    int value = (MSB << 8) +LSB; return (unsigned short)value; } short I2C_readS16(int reg) { int result; result = I2C_readU16(reg); if (result > 32767)result -= 65536;
    return (short)result;
void I2C_writeByte(int reg,int val)

void load_calibration()
    AC1 = I2C_readS16(BMP180_CAL_AC1);
    AC2 = I2C_readS16(BMP180_CAL_AC2);
    AC3 = I2C_readS16(BMP180_CAL_AC3);
    AC4 = I2C_readU16(BMP180_CAL_AC4);
    AC5 = I2C_readU16(BMP180_CAL_AC5);
    AC6 = I2C_readU16(BMP180_CAL_AC6);
    B1  = I2C_readS16(BMP180_CAL_B1);
    B2  = I2C_readS16(BMP180_CAL_B2);
    MB  = I2C_readS16(BMP180_CAL_MB);
    MC  = I2C_readS16(BMP180_CAL_MC);
    MD  = I2C_readS16(BMP180_CAL_MD);
int read_raw_temp()
    int raw;
    delay(5);  //5ms;
    raw = I2C_readByte(BMP180_TEMPDATA) << 8;
    raw += I2C_readByte(BMP180_TEMPDATA+1);
    return raw;

int read_raw_pressure()
    int MSB,LSB,XLSB,raw;
    I2C_writeByte(BMP180_CONTROL,BMP180_READPRESSURECMD +(OSS << 6));
        case BMP180_ULTRALOWPOWER:
        case BMP180_HIGHRES:
        case BMP180_ULTRAHIGHRES:
        default :
    MSB  = I2C_readByte(BMP180_PRESSUREDATA);
    LSB  = I2C_readByte(BMP180_PRESSUREDATA + 1);
    XLSB = I2C_readByte(BMP180_PRESSUREDATA + 2);
    raw = ((MSB << 16) + (LSB << 8) + XLSB) >> (8 - OSS);
    return raw;
float read_temperature()
    float T;
    int UT,X1,X2,B5;
    UT = read_raw_temp();
    X1 = ((UT - AC6)*AC5) >> 15;
    X2 = (MC << 11) / (X1 + MD); B5 = X1 + X2; T = ((B5 + 8) >> 4) /10.0;
    return T;

int read_pressure()
    int P;
    int UT,UP,X1,X2,X3,B3,B5,B6;
    unsigned int B4;
    int B7;
    UT = read_raw_temp();
    UP = read_raw_pressure();

    X1 = ((UT - AC6)*AC5) >> 15;
    X2 = (MC << 11) / (X1 + MD); B5 = X1 + X2; //Pressure Calculations B6 = B5 - 4000; X1 = (B2 * (B6 * B6) >> 12) >> 11;
    X2 = (AC2 * B6) >> 11;
    X3 = X1 + X2;
    B3 = (((AC1 * 4 + X3) << OSS) + 2) / 4; X1 = (AC3 * B6) >> 13;
    X2 = (B1 * ((B6 * B6) >> 12)) >> 16;
    X3 = ((X1 + X2) + 2) >> 2;
    B4 = (AC4 * (X3 + 32768)) >> 15;
    B7 = (UP - B3) * (50000 >> OSS);
    if (B7 < 0x80000000){P = (B7 * 2) / B4;} else {P = (B7 / B4) * 2;} X1 = (P >> 8) * (P >> 8);
    X1 = (X1 * 3038) >> 16;
    X2 = (-7357 * P) >> 16;
    P = P + ((X1 + X2 + 3791) >> 4);
    return P;

float read_altitude()
    float pressure,altitude;
    float sealevel_pa = 101325.0;
    pressure = (float)read_pressure();
    altitude = 44330.0 * (1.0 - pow(pressure / sealevel_pa,(1.0/5.255)));
    return altitude;
float read_sealevel_pressure()
    float altitude_m = 0.0;
    float pressure,p0;
    pressure =(float)read_pressure();
    p0 = pressure / pow(1.0 - altitude_m/44330.0,5.255);
    return p0;
int main(int argc,char **argv)
    printf("BMP180 Test Program ...\n");
    if(wiringPiSetup() < 0) return 1;
    fd = wiringPiI2CSetup(BMP180_Address);
        printf("\nTemperature : %.2f C\n",read_temperature());
        printf("Pressure :    %.2f Pa\n",read_pressure()/100.0);
        printf("Altitude :    %.2f h\n",read_altitude());
    return 0;

For python users

Learn more about Python, please go to Raspberry Pi Starter Kit lesson 4

1) Please install a python tool software (smbus) to communicate with IIC

cd  ~

sudo apt-get install python-smbus

2) Download and unzip the code

cd  ~


sudo  tar zxvf  bmp180-python.tar.gz

3) Change the path

cd  bmp180-python

4) Run program

sudo  python  ./

5) Program result

Once the program starts running , the terminal will show pressure, temperature and altitude which BMP180 sensor detects., BMP180.pyc and code

import time
import smbus
# BMP085 default address.
BMP180_I2CADDR           = 0x77
# Operating Modes
BMP180_STANDARD          = 1
BMP180_HIGHRES           = 2
# BMP085 Registers
BMP180_CAL_AC1           = 0xAA  # R   Calibration data (16 bits)
BMP180_CAL_AC2           = 0xAC  # R   Calibration data (16 bits)
BMP180_CAL_AC3           = 0xAE  # R   Calibration data (16 bits)
BMP180_CAL_AC4           = 0xB0  # R   Calibration data (16 bits)
BMP180_CAL_AC5           = 0xB2  # R   Calibration data (16 bits)
BMP180_CAL_AC6           = 0xB4  # R   Calibration data (16 bits)
BMP180_CAL_B1            = 0xB6  # R   Calibration data (16 bits)
BMP180_CAL_B2            = 0xB8  # R   Calibration data (16 bits)
BMP180_CAL_MB            = 0xBA  # R   Calibration data (16 bits)
BMP180_CAL_MC            = 0xBC  # R   Calibration data (16 bits)
BMP180_CAL_MD            = 0xBE  # R   Calibration data (16 bits)
BMP180_CONTROL           = 0xF4
BMP180_TEMPDATA          = 0xF6
# Commands
BMP180_READTEMPCMD       = 0x2E
class BMP180(object):
    def __init__(self, address=BMP180_I2CADDR, mode=BMP180_STANDARD):
        self._mode = mode
        self._address = address
        self._bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
        # Load calibration values.
    def _read_byte(self,cmd):
        return self._bus.read_byte_data(self._address,cmd)
    def _read_u16(self,cmd):
        MSB = self._bus.read_byte_data(self._address,cmd)
        LSB = self._bus.read_byte_data(self._address,cmd+1)
        return (MSB << 8) + LSB def _read_s16(self,cmd): result = self._read_u16(cmd) if result > 32767:result -= 65536
        return result
    def _write_byte(self,cmd,val):
    def _load_calibration(self):
        "load calibration"
        self.cal_AC1 = self._read_s16(BMP180_CAL_AC1)   # INT16
        self.cal_AC2 = self._read_s16(BMP180_CAL_AC2)   # INT16
        self.cal_AC3 = self._read_s16(BMP180_CAL_AC3)   # INT16
        self.cal_AC4 = self._read_u16(BMP180_CAL_AC4)   # UINT16
        self.cal_AC5 = self._read_u16(BMP180_CAL_AC5)   # UINT16
        self.cal_AC6 = self._read_u16(BMP180_CAL_AC6)   # UINT16
        self.cal_B1  = self._read_s16(BMP180_CAL_B1)     # INT16
        self.cal_B2  = self._read_s16(BMP180_CAL_B2)     # INT16
        self.cal_MB  = self._read_s16(BMP180_CAL_MB)     # INT16
        self.cal_MC  = self._read_s16(BMP180_CAL_MC)     # INT16
        self.cal_MD  = self._read_s16(BMP180_CAL_MD)     # INT16
    def read_raw_temp(self):
        """Reads the raw (uncompensated) temperature from the sensor."""
        self._write_byte(BMP180_CONTROL, BMP180_READTEMPCMD)
        time.sleep(0.005)  # Wait 5ms
        MSB = self._read_byte(BMP180_TEMPDATA)
        LSB = self._read_byte(BMP180_TEMPDATA+1)
        raw = (MSB << 8) + LSB
        return raw
    def read_raw_pressure(self):
        """Reads the raw (uncompensated) pressure level from the sensor."""
        self._write_byte(BMP180_CONTROL, BMP180_READPRESSURECMD + (self._mode << 6))
        if self._mode == BMP180_ULTRALOWPOWER:
        elif self._mode == BMP180_HIGHRES:
        elif self._mode == BMP180_ULTRAHIGHRES:
        MSB = self._read_byte(BMP180_PRESSUREDATA)
        LSB = self._read_byte(BMP180_PRESSUREDATA+1)
        XLSB = self._read_byte(BMP180_PRESSUREDATA+2)
        raw = ((MSB << 16) + (LSB << 8) + XLSB) >> (8 - self._mode)
        return raw
    def read_temperature(self):
        """Gets the compensated temperature in degrees celsius."""
        UT = self.read_raw_temp()
        X1 = ((UT - self.cal_AC6) * self.cal_AC5) >> 15
        X2 = (self.cal_MC << 11) / (X1 + self.cal_MD) B5 = X1 + X2 temp = ((B5 + 8) >> 4) / 10.0
        return temp
    def read_pressure(self):
        """Gets the compensated pressure in Pascals."""
        UT = self.read_raw_temp()
        UP = self.read_raw_pressure()
        X1 = ((UT - self.cal_AC6) * self.cal_AC5) >> 15
        X2 = (self.cal_MC << 11) / (X1 + self.cal_MD) B5 = X1 + X2 # Pressure Calculations B6 = B5 - 4000 X1 = (self.cal_B2 * (B6 * B6) >> 12) >> 11
        X2 = (self.cal_AC2 * B6) >> 11
        X3 = X1 + X2
        B3 = (((self.cal_AC1 * 4 + X3) << self._mode) + 2) / 4 X1 = (self.cal_AC3 * B6) >> 13
        X2 = (self.cal_B1 * ((B6 * B6) >> 12)) >> 16
        X3 = ((X1 + X2) + 2) >> 2
        B4 = (self.cal_AC4 * (X3 + 32768)) >> 15
        B7 = (UP - B3) * (50000 >> self._mode)
        if B7 < 0x80000000: p = (B7 * 2) / B4 else: p = (B7 / B4) * 2 X1 = (p >> 8) * (p >> 8)
        X1 = (X1 * 3038) >> 16
        X2 = (-7357 * p) >> 16
        p = p + ((X1 + X2 + 3791) >> 4)
        return p
    def read_altitude(self, sealevel_pa=101325.0):
        """Calculates the altitude in meters."""
        # Calculation taken straight from section 3.6 of the datasheet.
        pressure = float(self.read_pressure())
        altitude = 44330.0 * (1.0 - pow(pressure / sealevel_pa, (1.0/5.255)))
        return altitude
    def read_sealevel_pressure(self, altitude_m=0.0):
        """Calculates the pressure at sealevel when given a known altitude in
        meters. Returns a value in Pascals."""
        pressure = float(self.read_pressure())
        p0 = pressure / pow(1.0 - altitude_m/44330.0, 5.255)
        return p0
import time
from BMP180 import BMP180
# Initialise the BMP085 and use STANDARD mode (default value)
# bmp = BMP085(0x77, debug=True)
bmp = BMP180()
# To specify a different operating mode, uncomment one of the following:
# bmp = BMP085(0x77, 0)  # ULTRALOWPOWER Mode
# bmp = BMP085(0x77, 1)  # STANDARD Mode
# bmp = BMP085(0x77, 2)  # HIRES Mode
# bmp = BMP085(0x77, 3)  # ULTRAHIRES Mode
while True:
    temp = bmp.read_temperature()
# Read the current barometric pressure level
    pressure = bmp.read_pressure()
# To calculate altitude based on an estimated mean sea level pressure
# (1013.25 hPa) call the function as follows, but this won't be very accurate
    altitude = bmp.read_altitude()
# To specify a more accurate altitude, enter the correct mean sea level
# pressure level.  For example, if the current pressure level is 1023.50 hPa
# enter 102350 since we include two decimal places in the integer value
# altitude = bmp.readAltitude(102350)
    print "Temperature: %.2f C" % temp
    print "Pressure:    %.2f hPa" % (pressure / 100.0)
    print "Altitude:     %.2f\n" % altitude