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Lezione 11 – Pulsante Lezione 11 – Pulsante
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 11: Raspberry Pi Control the LED Brightness Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 11: Raspberry Pi Control the LED Brightness
Lezione 10 – Controllo PWM della luminosità del LED (luce di respirazione) Lezione 10 – Controllo PWM della luminosità del LED (luce di respirazione)
Lezione 9 – Otto di luce dell’acqua che scorre Lezione 9 – Otto di luce dell’acqua che scorre
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 10: Analog input through MCP3008 chip and SPI Ports Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 10: Analog input through MCP3008 chip and SPI Ports
Lezione 8 LED Lezione 8 LED
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 9: Drive a Relay to Control LED Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 9: Drive a Relay to Control LED
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 8: Raspberry Pi Drive Active Buzzer Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 8: Raspberry Pi Drive Active Buzzer
Lezione 7 – Battito di ciglia Lezione 7 – Battito di ciglia
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 7: Raspberry Pi Button Control LED Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 7: Raspberry Pi Button Control LED
What is a Sketch and how does it work? What is a Sketch and how does it work?
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 2: Introduction of Raspberry Pi GPIO Raspberry Pi Starter Kit Lesson 2: Introduction of Raspberry Pi GPIO
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