However, these displays have a small problem. When they are connected to a micro-controller (such as アルドゥイーノfor example), these displays require virtually many connection PINs occupying practically almost all available IO and leaving the multiprocessor few outputs for any other devices and sensors. This problem has been solved thanks to the communication on the I2C bus.
The LCD1602 display has an integrated microchip that manages this type of communication, and then all of the input and output information are limited to only two PINs (excluding power supply). I2C is a type of serial bus developed by Philips, which uses two bidirectional lines, called SDA (Serial Data Line) and SCL (Serial Clock Line). Both must be connected via pulled-up resistors. The usage voltages are standard as 5V and 3.3V.
The blue potentiometer on the I2C LCD1602 is used to adjust the backlight for better display.And there is a jumper on the board, if you take away this jumper , the backlight will always be off.
For the usage of other functions, please refer to the “LiquidCrystal_I2C.h” in the sourc ecode of I2C LCD library.
I2C LCD1602の青色のポテンショメータは、表示用バックライトを調整に使い、この基板にはジャンパーが有り、
尚他の機能の使い方については、”I2C LCD”ライブラリの”LiquidCrystal_I2C.h”を参照してください。
First, please plug Osoyoo Magic I/O shield into UNO board:
まず、Osoyoo Magic I / OシールドをUNOボードに接続してください。
次に、I2C LCD1602ディスプレイモジュールを次のように4ピンPNPケーブルでMagicI / OシールドのI2Cポートに接続します(ボード上のスイッチを5Vに変更してください)。
After above operations are completed, connect the アルドゥイーノboard to your computer using the USB cable. The green power LED (labelled PWR) should go on.
Open the Graphical Programming software Mixly, if Mixly is not English, you should change the language first:
グラフィカルプログラミングソフトウェア Mixlyを開き、もしMixly画面表示が英語ではない場合、まずは言語設定を
Then right click to duplicate the blocks, and fit them:
The whole program blocks are as following:
After above operations are completed, do as follows:
アップロードが終了してから数秒後、I2C LCD1602の画面に「Hello World」の文字が表示されます。次に、LCDが画面がクリアされ、また「Hello World」と再表示が繰り返えされます。
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