In this lesson, we will use this IoT kit to remotely monitor the home environmental temperature and humidity, and display the data to the Blynk APP.
First, please plug OSOYOO MEGA-IoT Extension Board into MEGA2560 board:
Build the circuit as below:
Here we connect the signal pin (S) to digital pin D5.
You need to install Local Blynk Server, Blynk APP, Arduino IDE, Blynk Libraries before running the code of this lesson. We suppose you have installed them in previous lessons. If you haven’t done these installations, please read following contents in lesson2-1 link:
You also need to download following DHT11, Adafruit_Sensor_Master and LCD_I2C libraries from following link:
In Arduino IDE, click Sketch->Include Library ->Add .ZIP library and upload the library zip files to the IDE.
Download and Edit Lesson2-3 Arduino Code
Step 1 ) After installing above library, please download the code from following link, unzip it:
Step 2) After above operations are completed, connect OSOYOO MEGA2560 Board to PC with USB cable.
Step 3) Open Arduino IDE: Choose corresponding board type and port type for you project.
Step 4) Arduino IDE: Click file – Open, then choose code in the folder, load up the sketch onto your Arduino.
Note: In the sketch line 14, find these lines as following:
char auth[] =”0ByWpc50cmOJ5O6OyHMaK4OSHkDvUeI-”;
char server_ip[]=”″; // replace this line with your Blynk Server IP addres
Replace 0ByWpc50cmOJ5O6OyHMaK4OSHkDvUeI- with your local Blynk Token.
Replace with your local Blynk Server LAN IP address.
If you don’t know how to get token and Server IP address, read this article.
In lines 27,28 and replace *** with your wifi ssid/password
char ssid[] = "***";//replace this line with your wifi ssid
char pass[] = "***"; //replace this line with your wifi password
Upload the sketch to the board. Wait until you see something like this:
Done uploading
Now open your Serial Monitor, you will see Arduino is trying to talk to Blynk server. After 20 to 30 seconds, your Serial monitor will finally shows Arduino’s IP address and a “Ready (ping: 25ms)” ending message.
Congratulations! You are all ready! Your hardware is now connected to the Blynk server.
Open your project page and press the “+” button to add the “LCD” Widget.
Widget settings:
Name Column: You can name your widget, whatever you like.
PIN V5, value: H
PIN V6, value: T
Here, you can try to change the LCD Widget to Labeled Value Widget by yourself, so that you can add the symbols of the corresponding data, but you need more Blynk energy.
After you finished all above operations, press the “▷“ button. This will switch you from EDIT mode to PLAY mode where you can interact with the hardware.
While in PLAY mode, you won’t be able to drag or set up new widgets, press “□” and get back to EDIT mode.
Now, you can see the temperature and humidity remotely!
If you find the device is offline, please check your code, wiring and app settings, and try again.
No. | Picture | Device | Qty. | Link |
1 | OSOYOO MEGA2560 Board | 1 | Click here to buy | |
2 | OSOYOO MEGA-IoT Extension Board | 1 | Click here to buy | |
3 | Photosensitive Sensor | 1 | Click here to buy | |
4 | Temp & Hum Sensor | 1 | Click here to buy | |
5 | OSOYOO Active Buzzer Module | 1 | Click here to buy | |
6 | Flame Detection Sensor | 1 | Click here to buy | |
7 | Fan Motor Module | 1 | Click here to buy | |
8 | Micro Servo Motor | 1 | Click here to buy | |
9 | RGB Module | 1 | Click here to buy | |
10 | Ultrasonic Sensor | 1 | Click here to buy | |
11 | PIR Motion Sensor | 1 | Click here to buy | |
12 | Microphone Module | 1 | Click here to buy | |
13 | 1602 I2C LCD Screen | 1 | Click here to buy | |
14 | RFID Module | 1 | Click here to buy | |
15 | White LED Module | 1 | Click here to buy | |
16 | Red LED Module | 1 | Click here to buy | |
17 | Colorful Light | 1 | Click here to buy | |
18 | Red Button Module | 1 | Click here to buy | |
19 | Blue Button Module | 1 | Click here to buy | |
20 | Philips Screwdriver | 1 | Click here to buy |
DownLoad Url
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Hello All, is it possible to have a link to download this exercice code for the new blynk verison 2.0 as i am using the ?
thanks in advance
Hi EliasMady,
Thanks for your interest in our products. We are sorry that the community does not provide technical support for the new version Blynk APP at this moment.
The kit use the legacy version of blynk, you needn’t create an account for the legacy Blynk app, you can run a local free Blynk server in your PC(Windows, macOS, Linux ,Raspberry Pi).Here is the detailed guide to install the local Blynk Legacy server:
After you install the server, you can login to the local blynk dashboard and get your token.