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In this lesson, we’ll introduce how to use Raspberry Pi to get data from DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor module .
Hardware Preparation
1 * Raspberry Pi
1 * Breadboard
1 * DHT11
Jumper wires
1 * T-Extension Board with 40-Pin Cable(Optional)
Software Preparation
Note: In this lesson, we remotely control raspberry pi via PuTTy on PC. To learn how to config raspberry pi, please visit lesson 1: getting started with raspberry pi.
Experimental Principle
DHT11 module is a temperature and humidity sensor which has 3 pins: VCC, GND and DATA. This module adopts OneWire protocol to communicate. At the beginning of communication process, DATA pin sends signal to DHT11, and then DHT11 receives the signal and sends answer signal to host, at last, the host receives answer signal and starts to receive 40 bit Temperature and humidity. (8 bit integer part of humidity + 8 bit decimal part of humidity + 8 bit integer part of temperature + 8 bit decimal part of temperature + 8 bit checksum)
Schematic diagram of DHT11 with raspberry
B14 for in above graph means BCM GPIO#14(TXD) or Physical pin#8 or wiringPi#15
Note: B means BCM(Broadcom pin number). If you don’t know what is BCM pin#, Physical pin#, wiringPi#, please review our lesson 3: Introduction Of Raspberry Pi GPIOLearn more about GPIO of raspberry pi, please review our lesson 2: Introduction Of Raspberry Pi GPIO
We’ll provide two kinds of codes for C language users and Python language users.
For C language users,please take following steps:
Note: please make sure you have installated wiringpi library. Click here, you can learn more about wiringpi installation.
Step 1) Download sample code dht11.c from by typing following commands in terminal:
cd ~
If you want to customize the sample code file , you can use nano editor to edit source code by typing following command in terminal:
sudo nano dht11.c
3) Compile code
gcc -Wall -o dht11 dht11.c -lwiringPi
4) Run the program
sudo ./dht11
5) Program result
Once the program starts running, the terminal will show real temperature and humidity again and again.
C language Sample Code and Explanation comments
#include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAXTIMINGS 85 #define DHTPIN 15 //DHT connect to TxD int dht11_dat[5] ={0,0,0,0,0};//store DHT11 data void read_dht11_dat() { uint8_t laststate = HIGH; uint8_t counter = 0; uint8_t j = 0,i; float f;//fahrenheit dht11_dat[0] = dht11_dat[1] = dht11_dat[2] = dht11_dat[3] = dht11_dat[4] = 0; //pull pin down to send start signal pinMode( DHTPIN, OUTPUT ); digitalWrite( DHTPIN, LOW ); delay( 18 ); //pull pin up and wait for sensor response digitalWrite( DHTPIN, HIGH ); delayMicroseconds( 40 ); //prepare to read the pin pinMode( DHTPIN, INPUT ); //detect change and read data for ( i = 0; i < MAXTIMINGS; i++ ) { counter = 0; while ( digitalRead( DHTPIN ) == laststate ) { counter++; delayMicroseconds( 1 ); if ( counter == 255 ) { break; } } laststate = digitalRead( DHTPIN ); if ( counter == 255 ) break; //ignore first 3 transitions if ( (i >= 4) && (i % 2 == 0) ) { //shove each bit into the storage bytes dht11_dat[j / 8] <<= 1; if ( counter > 16 ) dht11_dat[j / 8] |= 1; j++; } } //check we read 40 bits(8bit x 5) +verify checksum in the last byte //print it out if data is good if ( (j >= 40) && (dht11_dat[4] == ( (dht11_dat[0] + dht11_dat[1] + dht11_dat[2] + dht11_dat[3]) & 0xFF) ) ) { f = dht11_dat[2] * 9. / 5. + 32; printf( "Humidity = %d.%d %% Temperature = %d.%d C (%.1f F)\n", dht11_dat[0], dht11_dat[1], dht11_dat[2], dht11_dat[3], f ); } else { printf( "Data not good, skip\n" ); } } void print_info() { printf("\n"); printf("|***************************|\n"); printf("| DHT11 test |\n"); printf("| --------------------------|\n"); printf("| DHT11 connect to GPIO14 |\n"); printf("| --------------------------|\n"); printf("| OSOYOO|\n"); printf("|***************************|\n"); printf("Program is running...\n"); printf("Press Ctrl+C to end the program\n"); } int main( void ) { if ( wiringPiSetup() == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't init wiringPi: %s\n",strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } print_info(); while ( 1 ) { read_dht11_dat(); delay(1000);//wait ls to refresh } return(0); }
When programming with Python language , normally we use GPIO library called RPi.GPIO which comes with Rasbian Jessie OS. Click here, you can learn more about RPI.GPIO and Python.
1) Download sample python code to /home/pi by following terminal command:
cd ~
If you want to customize the sample code file , you can use nano editor to edit source code by typing following command in terminal:
sudo nano
3) Run program
sudo python ./
4) Program result
Once the program starts running , the terminal will show real temperature and humidity again and again.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time #DHT11 connect to BCM_GPIO14 DHTPIN = 14 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) MAX_UNCHANGE_COUNT = 100 STATE_INIT_PULL_DOWN = 1 STATE_INIT_PULL_UP = 2 STATE_DATA_FIRST_PULL_DOWN = 3 STATE_DATA_PULL_UP = 4 STATE_DATA_PULL_DOWN = 5 def read_dht11_dat(): GPIO.setup(DHTPIN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(DHTPIN, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(0.05) GPIO.output(DHTPIN, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(0.02) GPIO.setup(DHTPIN, GPIO.IN, GPIO.PUD_UP) unchanged_count = 0 last = -1 data = [] while True: current = GPIO.input(DHTPIN) data.append(current) if last != current: unchanged_count = 0 last = current else: unchanged_count += 1 if unchanged_count > MAX_UNCHANGE_COUNT: break state = STATE_INIT_PULL_DOWN lengths = [] current_length = 0 for current in data: current_length += 1 if state == STATE_INIT_PULL_DOWN: if current == GPIO.LOW: state = STATE_INIT_PULL_UP else: continue if state == STATE_INIT_PULL_UP: if current == GPIO.HIGH: state = STATE_DATA_FIRST_PULL_DOWN else: continue if state == STATE_DATA_FIRST_PULL_DOWN: if current == GPIO.LOW: state = STATE_DATA_PULL_UP else: continue if state == STATE_DATA_PULL_UP: if current == GPIO.HIGH: current_length = 0 state = STATE_DATA_PULL_DOWN else: continue if state == STATE_DATA_PULL_DOWN: if current == GPIO.LOW: lengths.append(current_length) state = STATE_DATA_PULL_UP else: continue if len(lengths) != 40: print "Data not good, skip" return False shortest_pull_up = min(lengths) longest_pull_up = max(lengths) halfway = (longest_pull_up + shortest_pull_up) / 2 bits = [] the_bytes = [] byte = 0 for length in lengths: bit = 0 if length > halfway: bit = 1 bits.append(bit) print "bits: %s, length: %d" % (bits, len(bits)) for i in range(0, len(bits)): byte = byte << 1 if (bits[i]): byte = byte | 1 else: byte = byte | 0 if ((i + 1) % 8 == 0): the_bytes.append(byte) byte = 0 print the_bytes checksum = (the_bytes[0] + the_bytes[1] + the_bytes[2] + the_bytes[3]) & 0xFF if the_bytes[4] != checksum: print "Data not good, skip" return False return the_bytes[0], the_bytes[2] def main(): print "Raspberry Pi wiringPi DHT11 Temperature test program\n" while True: result = read_dht11_dat() if result: humidity, temperature = result print "humidity: %s %%, Temperature: %s C" % (humidity, temperature) time.sleep(1) def destroy(): GPIO.cleanup() if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: destroy()
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Any suggestions on how to make this sensor on Scratch on Raspberry Pi? Scratch documentation only covers the DS18B20 sensor.
Do you mean you want know how to connect the DHT11 sensor to Raspberry pi? or how to connect DS18B20 sensor to raspberry Pi?
Do you use raspberry Pi 2 or Pi 3?
If you want to learn more about GPIO port with raspberry Pi 3 and T type adapter, Please review our lessone 2:
Use DHT11 sensor with Raspberry pi.
I would like to code in Scratch, not Python or C, since I am using it to teach kids coding. The link I sent before is general documentation for using Scratch to code on Pi, but it doesn’t cover your sensor DHT11. I am wondering if you have/could create some sample codes for Scratch.
It is Pi 3.