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In this lesson, we’ll introduce how to use Raspberry Pi to drive PIR motion Sensor(Human Body Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor) and make an alarm system.
1 * Raspberry Pi
1 * Breadboard
1 * buzzer
1 * PIR motion sensor
Some jumper wires
Software Preparation:
Note: In this lesson, we remotely control raspberry pi via PuTTy on PC. To learn how to config raspberry pi, please visit lesson 1: getting started with raspberry pi.
Passive infrared sensor (PIR motion sensor) is an electronic sensor that detects changes in the amount of infrared (IR) radiating from objects within certain distance. The sensor converts the incoming infrared radiation into voltage signal.
The PIR Sensor detection range is 8-12um and human body temperature radiates about 10um IR. So PIR Sensor is often used to detect human motion in alarm system.
The PIR sensor in this projects has 3 pins (VCC, OUT, GND), 2 potentiometers (one for sensitivity adjustment and another for time delay adjustment) as showed in following picture.
Wiring up the PIR sensor and a buzzer to the Pi as following connection graph.
Sample code
For C language user, please take steps as followed:
1) Download the C sample code by typing following terminal command:
cd ~
sudo wget
Note: If you want to customize the sample code file , you can use nano editor to edit source code by typing following command in terminal:
sudo nano pirsensor.c
2)Compile code
gcc -Wall -o pirsensor pirsensor.c -lwiringPi
4) Run the program
sudo ./pirsensor
5) Running result
Once the program starts running, the terminal will show print message as per program. If you move in front of the Raspberry PI PIR sensor, then it should make the piezo buzzer beep. When you go away, then the buzzer stop beeping.
C language sample Code Analysis
#include < wiringPi.h> #include < stdio.h> #include < stdlib.h> #define BuzzerPin 1 //output buzzer signal to wiringPi pin#1(BCM#18) #define PIRPin 0 //input PIR sensor signalfrom wiringPi pin#0(BCM#17) int main(void) { // When initialize wiring failed, print messageto screen if(wiringPiSetup() == -1){ printf("setup wiringPi failed !"); exit(1); } pinMode(BuzzerPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIRPin,INPUT); printf("\n"); printf("========================================\n"); printf("| Alarm |\n"); printf("| ------------------------------ |\n"); printf("| PIR connect to wPi#0 |\n"); printf("| |\n"); printf("| Buzzer connect to wPi#1 |\n"); printf("| |\n"); printf("| OSOYOO|\n"); printf("========================================\n"); printf("\n"); while(1){ if(!(digitalRead(PIRPin))){ digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH); printf("\n"); printf("-------------------|\n"); printf("| no alarm... |\n"); printf("-------------------|\n"); delay(1000); } else{ digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW); delay(500); printf("\n"); printf("===================|\n"); printf("| alarm... |\n"); printf("===================|\n"); } } return 0; }
for python user, please take steps as followed:
1) Download the Python sample code by typing following command:
cd ~
sudo wget –no-check-certificate
2)Run the program
sudo python ./
3) Running result
Once program starts running, the terminal will show print message. If you move in front of the Raspberry PI PIR sensor, it should make the piezo buzzer beep. When you go away, the buzzer will stop beeping.
Python Sample Code Analysis:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time # set BCM_GPIO 17(wPi#0) as PIR pin PIRPin = 17 # set BCM_GPIO 18(wPi#1) as buzzer pin BuzzerPin = 18 #print message at the begining ---custom function def print_message(): print ('==================================') print ('| Alarm |') print ('| ----------------------- |') print ('| PIR connect to GPIO0 |') print ('| |') print ('| Buzzer connect to GPIO1 |') print ('| ------------------------ |') print ('| |') print ('| OSOYOO|') print ('==================================\n') print ('Program is running...') print ('Please press Ctrl+C to end the program...') #setup function for some setup---custom function def setup(): GPIO.setwarnings(False) #set the gpio modes to BCM numbering GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #set BuzzerPin's mode to output,and initial level to HIGH(3.3V) GPIO.setup(BuzzerPin,GPIO.OUT,initial=GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.setup(PIRPin,GPIO.IN) #main function def main(): #print info print_message() while True: #read Sw520dPin's level if(GPIO.input(PIRPin)!=0): GPIO.output(BuzzerPin,GPIO.LOW) #time.sleep(0.5) print ('********************') print ('* alarm! *') print ('********************') print ('\n') time.sleep(1) else: GPIO.output(BuzzerPin,GPIO.HIGH) print ('====================') print ('= Not alarm... =') print ('====================') print ('\n') time.sleep(1) #define a destroy function for clean up everything after the script finished def destroy(): #turn off buzzer GPIO.output(BuzzerPin,GPIO.HIGH) #release resource GPIO.cleanup() # # if run this script directly ,do: if __name__ == '__main__': setup() try: main() #when 'Ctrl+C' is pressed,child program destroy() will be executed. except KeyboardInterrupt: destroy() pass
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The operating voltage of this PIR motion sensor is 5V to 20V. Better connect the VCC pin to 5V.
Hi, I’m a newbie to raspberry pi. I’m having difficulty with lesson 16. The buzzer is always on when I run the program. Everything is wired correctly. Can anyone advise how to test to see what’s wrong?
Hi, Please turn sensitivity adjustment and time delay adjustment of IR motion sensor according to the instruction. what’s more, the sensor will be affected by environment(such as sunshine, wind and so on)
Hi Elaine, I moved the VCC connection to 5v as suggested by amiya. Works perfectly now 🙂