A parallel connection is one in which the positive pole is connected to the positive pole of a similar device and the negative pole is connected to the negative pole of the same device. In a parallel circuit, the voltages are equal everywhere and the total current is equal to the sum of the subcurrents.
Consistent Model Number: When connecting multiple power supplies in parallel, it is important to use the same model number to ensure that they have the same output voltage and current. If power supplies of different models are connected in parallel, the output power and stability may be affected.
Consistent cable length: Cables connected in parallel must be of the same length and preferably of the same diameter to ensure the stability of the power supply’s output voltage and current. Connecting cables of different lengths will increase impedance variation and voltage drop, affecting the output stability of the power supply.
We recommend that the total current carrying capacity of this connector be controlled within 5.5A is more appropriate.
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