Osoyoo® trademark is owned by Pinetree Electronics Ltd which established in Canada since 2009.

Pinetree Electronics Ltd designs and manufactures series Electronics Learning Kits and Robot Kits to help young people get Science-Technology-Engineering-Math(STEM) hand-on experience.

You can use Arduino,Micro:Bit and Raspberry Pi based learning kit and accessories from Osoyoo to sense the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, and influence its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. It’s intended for anyone making interactive projects.

We provide low-cost, high-performance products and tutorials that people use to learn, solve problems and have fun. We’re committed to creating solid products backed by friendly, responsive service to delight our loyal customers around the world.

Customer Service and B2B Contacts:

Head Office Phone:+1-604-9001068 (Working hour 4:00pm TO 12:00AM  Pacific Time, Mon to Fri except holiday)

Email: [email protected]

Head Office Address: 9180 Wellmond Rd,Richmond,BC V7E 1L5,CANADA

China Factory: 5th Floor, Building 573, Dahe Village, Longhua New District, Shenzhen,China

Tel: +86-950-40490166


Osoyoo®の商標は2009年カナダで設立、Pinetree Electronics Ltd社が所有しております。





大阪府大阪市西区靭本町3丁目8番6号奥内ビル2階 208号

Tel1: 06-4560-8306

Tel2: 03-4579-7588

E-メール: [email protected]
