- 8 channels bidirectional voltage translation between different logic level, translate between Ax and Bx automatically
- 4 pairs of power supply interfaces, supports more situations
- Voltage level: 1.8V-6V
How to Use
In the case of translating between 3.3V and 5V system:
- VCCA/VA connects to 3.3V power supply
- VCCB/VB connects to 5V power supply
- GND connects to power negative pole respectively, the two power supply should be common-grounded with each other
- When Ax has TTL 3.3V input, Bx will get TTL 5V output
- When Bx has TTL 5V input, Ax will get TTL 3.3V output
- NO direction control required
下面将介绍一个5V转3.3V的示例,在这个示例中VCCB一侧作为输入,VCCA作为输出端。将VCCB接raspber pi 5V输出引脚,VCCA接raspberry pi的3.3V输出引脚,GND接接GND(注意两边GND都要接),在Bx上接一个5V电压,这里以B0为例。把万用表打到直流电压20V档位(可能不同品牌万用表档位分布不一样,总之能测量0-3.3V电压就可以啦),万用表黑色表笔接到GND;红色表笔接A0上,万用表上会读取到一个3.3V左右的电压,说明输入端5V已经转换成了3.3V。