Note: ALL OSOYOO Products for Arduino are Third Party Board which is fully compatitable with Arduino

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In this project, we will make robots dog-fighting game. We need two groups of Osoyoo Robot cars and each group has at least one robot car. Team A robots will Infrared signal as bullet to shoot at Team B robots and vice versa. IR Bullet from Team A will “kill” only Team B robots and no harm to TEAM A. So does Team B bullet.
Players use Mobile APP in Lesson 7 to control their robots to kill enemy team robots as possible. You can complete and run the sketch code in Lesson 7 and make sure motor connection is correct.

Parts and Devices

Hardware Installation
Step 1:This project needs at least two Osoyoo V2 Robots. In each robot, Lesson 7 hardware installation must have been completed.
Step 2: Install IR receiver (Lesson 2) and buzzer module (lesson 5) and add IR transmitter with 2pcs M2.5 plastic screws, pillars and nuts as following:

Step 3: Connect IR receiver, IR transmitter and buzzer module with OSOYOO WIFI Shield as following graph

Software Installation:

Open-source Arduin
Download Arduin IDE here:
7 zip is a free zip
utility that un-zips zip files
Download 7zip here for free
OSOYOO imitation driving Robot APP search “OSOYOO imitation driving” in
Google Play or Apple APP store

Step 1: Download and install sketch code from v2smartcar-lesson8. Unzip this file, and you will see folders called v2smartcar-lesson8A and v2smartcar-lesson8B

Step 2: Upload code “v2smartcar-lesson8A.ino” in v2smartcar-lesson8A folder for Team A robots and Upload code “v2smartcar-lesson8B.ino” in v2smartcar-lesson8B folder for Team B robots (Notice: Shut off your battery or Unplug your power adapter when upload sketch code to your board.)

Step 3: If you have installed APP in Lesson 7, please skip this step. Otherwise go to Google Play and search the APP name “Osoyoo imitation driving”, and install the APP to your mobile phone.

Step 4: After install the APP, pair the HC-02 bluetooth module to your mobile phone, then open Osoyoo Imitation driving APP. You will find a BTSearch list, click HC-02 device to connect the bluetooth device on your car.

Play the Fighting Game:
In your APP, click Engine Toggle icon, your robot car will start moving. Use your steering wheel, gear to change your car direction. When you find your enemy, click “F1” to trigger bullet against bullet. If your bullet hits enemy car, enemy car will freeze, buzzer and dead. If you are hit by enemy’s bullet, you car will freeze and your APP will show “dead”.