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In this lesson, we’ll learn how to drive active buzzer using Raspberry Pi.

Hareware Preparation

1 * Raspberry Pi
1 * Breadboard
1 * Buzzer
Jumper wires
1 * T-Extension Board
1 * 40-Pin Cable

Software Preparation
Please visit getting started for raspberry pi

Work principle
There are active buzzer and passive buzzer, then what’s the difference between active and passive buzzer?  there is an  oscillator in active buzzer, it make a noise when connected to a DC power supply. The passive one may just be a bare transducer, and must be driven by a pulsed voltage to make a noise. In this project we use active buzzer. the long lead of Buzzer is positive electrode(anode), the short lead is negative electrode(cathode)

Hareware Setup

Assembling the Circuit as following Connection Graph,  negative electrode to Raspberry Pi GPIO1(BCM_GPIO 18), Positive electrode to 3.3V


Sample Code:

we’ll provide two kinds of codes for C language users and Python language users.

For C Language users, please take following steps:

Firstly, Please make sure the wiringPi library is installed, if you don’t know how to install it, please visit:Lesson 3: Prepare GPIO tool-WiringPi utility

Step 1)  Download breathing_led.c sample code by typing following command:

cd  ~
sudo  wget

Step 2)  Compile Code

C language is high level language. Before running the project, the code need to compile as an executable file. Please enter the following command:
gcc  -Wall  -o buzzer  buzzer.c  -lwiringPi
Note: gcc: is GNU Compiler Collection. If you want to write your own C code and compile to run it, you need to master gcc. for more information about gcc, please visit here
-Wall: to get more error when compile the code
-o: to name the compiled file. You can name the file as your like. here we name as buzzer.c
buzzer.c: means the original file which is compiled
-lwiringPi: is to load the library wiringPi (l is short for library)

Step 3) Run the Program by typing following command in terminal:

sudo  ./buzzer

4) Running Result

Once run the program, the buzzer will make different sound tone.

C language Code Analysis

//Beginning of pi3_start_learning_kit_lesson_8/buzzer.c
#include < wiringPi.h>
#include < stdio.h>
#include < stdlib.h>

 // defined Buzzer pin1 connect to GPIO1(BCM GPIO 18)
#define BuzzerPin 1

            //beep on
            digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);
            delay(3);// delay 3 ms to make tone in low frequency

            //beep off
            delay(3); // delay 3 ms to make the tone in low frequency
            //beep off
            digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);
            delay(1); //delay 1 ms to make the tone in high frequency
            //beep on
            delay(1);//delay 1 ms to make the tone in high frequency

        }    }
// end of pi3_start_learning_kit_lesson_8/buzzer.c

For Python language user:

If your Raspberry Pi is connected with a Monitor through HDMI cable,then you can program in Python 3(IDLE) GUI environment directly,for more details please visit:

If your Pi is not connected with a monitor,   you can use command line to remote access Pi through ssh client. for more details, please visit:

Step 1) download file by typing following command in terminal:

cd  ~

sudo  wget

Step 2) Run Program

sudo  python  ./

Ste[ 3) Test result:

Once run the program, the buzzer will make sound.

Python language Code Analysis

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

# Set #18 as buzzer pin
BuzzerPin = 18

Import Python GPIO Library and time library. The GPIO library is the library for interacting with the GPIO in Python. It does the job of simplifying the process. The time library is there so we can put a delay in. Set Buzzer pin connect to GPIO1(BCM GPIO 18)

 def setup():
    # Set the GPIO modes to BCM Numbering
    # Set BuzzerPin's mode to output, 
    # and initial level to High(3.3v)
    GPIO.setup(BuzzerPin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH)

Set BuzzerPin to output mode, set the initial level as high level (3.3V)

 def main():
    while True:
      GPIO.output(BuzzerPin, GPIO.LOW)
      GPIO.output(BuzzerPin, GPIO.HIGH)

Switch the level continuously between low level(0V) and high level(3.3 V) every 0.3 second.  Thus to make the buzzer make sound intermittently.