
In this project, we will use IntoRobot online IDE to make NUT User LED flashing.  User LED is internally connected to NUT D6 Pin. Turn on when D6=0 , turn off when D6=1.

Parts and Device:

1 x IntoRobot  NUT board (or IntoRobot ATOM or NEUTRON board)

1 x Android or iOS smart phone or tablet



Step 1) Login to your IntoRobot control panel Programming->My Project 0> +New project (see following picture):

Step 2)Write code in your Web IDE, you can download the code from osoyoo.com/wp-content/uploads/samplecode/intorobot_user_led.txt and copy paste the code into IDE.
If you are using IntoRobot ATOM/NEUTRON board, please change the USER_LED_PIN from D6 to D7 in above code.

Step 3) Click Compile button to compile the code, then click flash to load the code into NUT flash. After the code is loaded into NUT, you will see User LED becoming flashing.