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OSOYOO R3 UNO板 数字口测试电路 OSOYOO R3 UNO板 数字口测试电路
Test Piezo Buzzer Test Piezo Buzzer
Control traffic lights with a push button Control traffic lights with a push button
Tilt Sensor Test Project Tilt Sensor Test Project
Display 4-digit numbers on a 5643 Dixie LED tube Display 4-digit numbers on a 5643 Dixie LED tube
Display digit 0 to 9 in  7-seg Nixie LED Tube Display digit 0 to 9 in 7-seg Nixie LED Tube
Project to Test BYJ48 Stepper Motor Project to Test BYJ48 Stepper Motor
Serial to Parallel Shifting-Out with a 74HC595 Serial to Parallel Shifting-Out with a 74HC595
Use potentiometer to control a servo Use potentiometer to control a servo
TMP36/2N3904 temperature sensor project TMP36/2N3904 temperature sensor project
Decode Infrared Remote Controller with IR Receiver VS1838B Decode Infrared Remote Controller with IR Receiver VS1838B
Flashing LEDs Flashing LEDs
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