1 * Raspberry Pi
1 * Breadboard
1 * IIC 1602
Several jumper wires
1602液晶屏能够显示2行,每行16个字符,1602因此而得名。通常1602是并行接口,为了节约GPIO资源,我们对1602屏进行了改造,在1602屏加了一个并行转串行模块PCF8574,这个模块将并行接口改成串行的IIC接口,这样驱动1602屏就只需要2个GPIO口,大大节约了GPIO资源,是Raspberry Pi能挂接更多传感器。
将IIC 1602 LCD接到pi的IIC1上,如图
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
打开 /boot/config.txt文件后,找到dtparam=i2c_arm,检查dtparam=i2c_arm前是否有#,如果有#将其去掉;再检查dtparam=i2c_arm后面是on还是off,如果是off,需要将off改成on
for C language user
1) 在/home/pi下新建一个文件,文件名随意(你爱咋咋地)
cd ~
sudo nano i2c1602_lcd.c
#include <stdio.h> #include <wiringPi.h> #include <wiringPiI2C.h> #include <string.h> int LCDAddr = 0x3f;//IIc LCD address int BLEN = 0;//1--open backlight.0--close backlight int fd;//linux file descriptor //writ a word(16 bits) to LCD void write_word(int data){ int temp = data; if ( BLEN == 1 ) temp |= 0x08; else temp &= 0xF7; wiringPiI2CWrite(fd, temp); } //send command to lcd void send_command(int comm){ int buf; // Send bit7-4 firstly buf = comm & 0xF0; buf |= 0x04; // RS = 0, RW = 0, EN = 1 write_word(buf); delay(2); buf &= 0xFB; // Make EN = 0 write_word(buf); // Send bit3-0 secondly buf = (comm & 0x0F) << 4; buf |= 0x04; // RS = 0, RW = 0, EN = 1 write_word(buf); delay(2); buf &= 0xFB; // Make EN = 0 write_word(buf); } //send data to lcd void send_data(int data){ int buf; // Send bit7-4 firstly buf = data & 0xF0; buf |= 0x05; // RS = 1, RW = 0, EN = 1 write_word(buf); delay(2); buf &= 0xFB; // Make EN = 0 write_word(buf); // Send bit3-0 secondly buf = (data & 0x0F) << 4; buf |= 0x05; // RS = 1, RW = 0, EN = 1 write_word(buf); delay(2); buf &= 0xFB; // Make EN = 0 write_word(buf); } //initialize the lcd void init(){ send_command(0x33); // Must initialize to 8-line mode at first delay(5); send_command(0x32); // Then initialize to 4-line mode delay(5); send_command(0x28); // 2 Lines & 5*7 dots delay(5); send_command(0x0C); // Enable display without cursor delay(5); send_command(0x01); // Clear Screen wiringPiI2CWrite(fd, 0x08); } //clear screen void clear(){ send_command(0x01); //clear Screen } //Print the message on the lcd void write(int x, int y, char data[]){ int addr, i; int tmp; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x > 15) x = 15; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y > 1) y = 1; // Move cursor addr = 0x80 + 0x40 * y + x; send_command(addr); tmp = strlen(data); for (i = 0; i < tmp; i++){ send_data(data[i]); } } void print_info() { printf("\n"); printf("|***************************|\n"); printf("| IIC 1602 LCD test |\n"); printf("| --------------------------|\n"); printf("| | LCD | | Pi |\n"); printf("| --------------------------|\n"); printf("| | GND | connect to | GND |\n"); printf("| | VCC | connect to | 5V |\n"); printf("| | SDA | connect to | SDA.1|\n"); printf("| | SCL | connect to | SCL.1|\n"); printf("| --------------------------|\n"); printf("| OSOYOO|\n"); printf("|***************************|\n"); printf("Program is running...\n"); printf("Press Ctrl+C to end the program\n"); } int main(){ //init I2C fd = wiringPiI2CSetup(LCDAddr); init(); print_info(); write(0, 0, "Hi man.Welcome "); write(0, 1, "to osoyoo.com"); delay(3000); clear(); while(1){ write(0,0,"This is Lesson13"); write(0,1,"IIC LCD Test"); delay(1000); } return 0; }
保存退出。完整的源代码,可以通过命令wget http://osoyoo.com/driver/pi3_start_learning_kit_lesson_13/i2c1602_lcd.c 下载
3) 编译
gcc -Wall -o i2c1602_lcd i2c1602_lcd.c -lwiringPi
4) 执行程序
sudo ./i2c1602_lcd
5) 最终结果
for python user
1) 加载模块
sudo nano /etc/modules
2) 安装 i2c python library和smbus
sudo apt-get install -y python-smbus i2c-tools
3) 检查库是否安装成功
lsmod | grep i2c
4) 测试硬件
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
sudo i2cdetect -y 0
图中的3f(16进制)就是IIC 1602液晶的地址。
5) 编写python脚本控制IIC 1602
cd ~
sudo nano i2c1602_lcd.py
import smbus import time # Define some device parameters I2C_ADDR = 0x3F # I2C device address, if any error, change this address to 0x27 LCD_WIDTH = 16 # Maximum characters per line # Define some device constants LCD_CHR = 1 # Mode - Sending data LCD_CMD = 0 # Mode - Sending command LCD_LINE_1 = 0x80 # LCD RAM address for the 1st line LCD_LINE_2 = 0xC0 # LCD RAM address for the 2nd line LCD_LINE_3 = 0x94 # LCD RAM address for the 3rd line LCD_LINE_4 = 0xD4 # LCD RAM address for the 4th line LCD_BACKLIGHT = 0x08 # On #LCD_BACKLIGHT = 0x00 # Off ENABLE = 0b00000100 # Enable bit # Timing constants E_PULSE = 0.0005 E_DELAY = 0.0005 #Open I2C interface #bus = smbus.SMBus(0) # Rev 1 Pi uses 0 bus = smbus.SMBus(1) # Rev 2 Pi uses 1 def lcd_init(): # Initialise display lcd_byte(0x33,LCD_CMD) # 110011 Initialise lcd_byte(0x32,LCD_CMD) # 110010 Initialise lcd_byte(0x06,LCD_CMD) # 000110 Cursor move direction lcd_byte(0x0C,LCD_CMD) # 001100 Display On,Cursor Off, Blink Off lcd_byte(0x28,LCD_CMD) # 101000 Data length, number of lines, font size lcd_byte(0x01,LCD_CMD) # 000001 Clear display time.sleep(E_DELAY) def lcd_byte(bits, mode): # Send byte to data pins # bits = the data # mode = 1 for data # 0 for command bits_high = mode | (bits & 0xF0) | LCD_BACKLIGHT bits_low = mode | ((bits<<4) & 0xF0) | LCD_BACKLIGHT # High bits bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, bits_high) lcd_toggle_enable(bits_high) # Low bits bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, bits_low) lcd_toggle_enable(bits_low) def lcd_toggle_enable(bits): # Toggle enable time.sleep(E_DELAY) bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, (bits | ENABLE)) time.sleep(E_PULSE) bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR,(bits & ~ENABLE)) time.sleep(E_DELAY) def lcd_string(message,line): # Send string to display message = message.ljust(LCD_WIDTH," ") lcd_byte(line, LCD_CMD) for i in range(LCD_WIDTH): lcd_byte(ord(message[i]),LCD_CHR) def main(): # Main program block # Initialise display lcd_init() while True: # Send some test lcd_string("Created by <",LCD_LINE_1) lcd_string("Osoyoo.com <",LCD_LINE_2) time.sleep(3) # Send some more text lcd_string("> Tutorial Url:",LCD_LINE_1) lcd_string("> https://osoyoo.com",LCD_LINE_2) time.sleep(3) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: lcd_byte(0x01, LCD_CMD)
wget http://osoyoo.com/driver/pi3_start_learning_kit_lesson_13/i2c1602_lcd.py
sudo python ./i2c1602_lcd.py
DownLoad Url osoyoo.com
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The LCD backlight consumes quite a lot of power. Whats the function to turn off the backlight?
You can turn around the Potentiometer at the back of LCD to adjust LCD backlight
Thats for adjusting contrast. am talking about turning the backlight off from code.
In C language code, Line 6:
“int BLEN = 0;//1–open backlight.0–close backlight”
In Python code,
“LCD_BACKLIGHT = 0x08 # On
#LCD_BACKLIGHT = 0x00 # Off”
Please change “0x08” to “0x00”