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このレッスンでは、ボタンスイッチモジュールを使用して、Arduinoグラフィックプログラミングテクノロジーを介してLEDをオン/オフにする方法を示します。LEDとスイッチモジュールの両方がOSOYOO Magic I / Oシールドに接続されます。ここで、「I / O」とはINPUTとOUTPUTを指します。OSOYOO Magic I / Oシールドは、センサー、アクチュエーター、ロボットカーの制御ポートをArduino I / Oピンに簡単に接続するのに役立つ拡張ボードです。LEDモジュールをシールドのD8ポートに接続し、スイッチモジュールをD2ポートに接続します。シールドに。ArduinoD8が制御LEDに信号を送信する出力ポートになることを伝えます。D2は、スイッチボタンから入力信号を取得するINPUTポートです。The Button Switch  module is  signal generator device. When button pressed, SIG pin will generate HIGH voltage signal, when button is released, SIG pin will generate LOW voltage signal.LED module will be turn on when SIG pin get HIGH voltage signal and will turn off when SIG pin gets LOW voltage signal.

First, please plug Osoyoo Magic I/O shield into UNO board. Then connect the Button and LED module to the D2 and D8 port of the Magic I/O shield with a 3-pin PNP cable as below:

Notice: Shut off your battery or Unplug your power adapter when upload sketch code to Arduino.

You can download the code directly, then click “Open” in Mixly to choose the code you download:

Download the Code

Or you can do as following operations:After above circuit installation is completed, connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable. The green power LED (labelled PWR) will turn on.We have learnt how to make an LED blink in last lesson. So in this one we will add a button to control the LED on/off.First, we need to declare a variable to show the Buttons state. Drag out a Declare block in Variables category.Name this variable to Buttonstate, and select the type to int.To assign 0 to Buttonstate initially, drag out the “0” block(the first block) in Math, and add it behind the Buttonstate. The value in the block can be changed, here we use its default value “0”.Now we need find some way to get value from D2 port and give it to Buttonstate variable. To do this,   please click Variables category again,    drag a Buttonstate block to blank area as follow picture:Then go to In/Out category, drag a digitalRead block and drop it behind the Buttonstate block and combine them together. Now you need set the PIN# to 2 which means you will assign input signal from PIN# 2  to Buttonstate variable.Now let’s explain our control logic to Arduino. We want to turn on LED when we press button and turn off LED when button is released. Let’s use Graphic Blocks to give our logic to Arduino:First , we drag an if do block in Control category  right below Buttonstate block as following pictureWe also need add a else sub-block to this if do block. To do this,  just click the setting icon inside  if do block, drag out an else sub-block and connect it to  if block, then Click  setting again to turn off the setting window.Next, we should add the condition logic block into above if do else block.  To do this, Drag out the first “=” block in Logic category, and drop it to the right side of if slot as showed below.Drag out a Buttonstate block from Variables category, and drop it to the  left slot of = block as showed below.Drag out the HIGH block in In/Out section, and drop it to the right slot of  the “=” block as showed below.Now, the if else logic structure is completed.Next we need to set the   action when Buttonstate is in HIGH  situations.Drag a DigitalWrite block from In/Out section and drop it on the right side of do slot, then set PIN# to 8 and Stat value to HIGH as showed below:Next we need to set the   action when Buttonstate is in LOW  situations.Drag another DigitalWrite block from In/Out section and drop it on the right side of else slot, then set PIN# to 8 and Stat value to LOW as showed below:プログラム全体が完了しました。右側のバーで同等のArduinoC言語コードを確認できます。プログラムのロジックは非常に単純です。D2スロットのボタンスイッチを押すと、ArduinoButtonstate変数はHIGH値を取得します。Buttonを離すと、ButtonstateはLOW値になります。Buttonstate値がHIGHの場合、ArduinoはD8にHIGH電圧を与えて、LEDをオンにします。Buttonstate値がLOWの場合、D8はLOW電圧を出力し、LEDをオフにします。すべてのプログラミングが完了したら、[保存]をクリックします。正しいボードタイプとシリアルポートを選択し、[アップロード]をクリックします最後に、stausは「Uploadsuccess!」に変わります。以下に示すように。ボタンを押すと、LEDモジュールが点灯します。スイッチを離すと、LEDが消灯します。
