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In this lesson, we will show you how to make simple Internet of Things (IoT) project – to turn on/off an LED from a remote browser .

We  will  use  Osoyoo Mega-IoT Shield  to connect LED and MEGA2560 MCU board.  OSOYOO Advanced Board for MEGA2560 Board can work as a web server. Remote browser can access this web server and control the LED connected to D13 pin of MEGA2560.

First, please plug OSOYOO MEGA-IoT Extension Board into MEGA2560 board:

Then connect the LED module to the D13 port of the OSOYOO MEGA-IoT Extension Board with a 3-pin PnP cable as below (Jumper Cap should connect ESP8266 RX with A8, TX with A9):

Notice: Shut off your battery or Unplug your power adapter when upload sketch code to OSOYOO Advanced Board for Arduino MEGA2560.

Step 1 Install latest IDE (If you have IDE version after 1.1.16, please skip this step)
Download IDE from , then install the software.

Step 2 WifiEsp Library Installation (if you have installed WifiESP library, please skip this step)

OSOYOO MEGA-IoT extension TX/RX pin to OSOYOO Advanced Board for MEGA2560 Board A9/A8 pin by default. So in sketch code, we need use Software Serial Port to communicate with ESP8266 (set A9 as TX and A8 as RX in SoftwareSerial object).

To use this wifi shield in IDE, we need download WiFiEsp-master library from following link:

Open the IDE,  click Sketch – Include Library- Add .Zip library to load above zip files into IDE.

Step 3 After installing above library, please download the main code from following link, unzip it, you will see a folder called “smarthome-lesson4”:

Step 4 After above operations are completed, connect the OSOYOO MEGA2560 Board to the PC with USB cable.

Step 5 IDE:  Choose corresponding board type and port type for your project .

Step 6 IDE:  Click fileOpen, then choose code “smarthome-lesson4.ino” in the folder, load up the  sketch onto OSOYOO Advanced Board for Arduino MEGA2560.

Note: In the  sketch, find  line 24,25 as following:

char ssid[] = "******"; // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "******"; // your network password

please replace the ****** with your correct wifi SSID and password, otherwise your project can not connect to Internet.

After loading the sketch to OSOYOO Advanced Board for Arduino MEGA2560 , open the serial monitor in the upper-right corner of IDE, you will see following result:

From the serial monitor,  you can see the IP address of your OSOYOO Advanced Board for Arduino MEGA2560 in the read circle (in above picture,

Then use your browser to visit the website http://mega2560-ip-address (in above case,, you will see following result:

Click the two links as showed in above picture, you will turn on/off the LED module which is connected to your MEGA2560 through the IoT Shield.