Currently, the following software versions are available:
By signing in to mBlock 5, you can have your projects automatically stored in the cloud. Try synchronizing your projects across devices (such as PCs and mobile devices) now!
When you drag a block in the Scripts area and right-click on the block, you can do these operations for the block, as shown in the above picture.
When you drag a block in the Scripts area and right-click on a blank space, you can do these operations for the block, as shown in the above picture
Step 1) Download the OSOYOO_UNO.mext device file from”
Step 2) Run the mBlock PC software by double-clicking the lovely Panda icon. You will see the mBlock UI as the following picture. Please delete the default device CyberPi by clicking the cross in the red circle.”
Step 3) Drag and drop the osoyoo_uno_mext file (downloaded in Step 1) to the mBlock software as shown below:
Now you will see a new device firmware in mBlock, as shown in the following picture:
Now, mBlock software and OSOYOO_UNO device firmware have been successfully installed on our PC!
1)Connect your board to your PC using a USB cable. Then, click the Connect button at the bottom of the mBlock software. A USB window will pop up.
2)Select the “Show all connectable devices” checkbox. This will bring up a device drop-down menu.
3)From the device drop-down menu, select your port.
4)Click the Connect button to connect your PC to your board.
5)Once your PC is connected to your board, click the Upload button at the bottom of the software. This will upload the code to your board.
For more information, please refer to the user guide or visit the following link:”
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