
Parts and Accessories

No. Device Picture Qty. Accessories
1 OSOYOO UNO R3(fully compatible withArduino UNO R3) 1 Click here to buy
2 OSOYOO MotorShield V1.0 1 Click here to buy
5 Tracking Sensor 1 Click here to buy
6 Ultrasonic Sensor 1 Click here to buy
7 SG90 Servo Motor 2 Click here to buy
8 Voltage Meter 1 Click here to buy
11 Mount Holder forUltrasonic Sensor 1 Click here to buy
11 18650 Battery Pack 1 Click here to buy

Wire Connection

Remove Jumper on ENA,IN1,IN2

PART Motor Shield
IN3 jumper D9
IN4 jumper D10
ENB jumper D6
Steer Servo D7
Sensor Servo D8
Back Motor K3 or K4

安装SG90金属转向舵机时需要定位(Steering Servo Alignment),方法如下:
Step 1) Connect  Steering Servo to V1.0 MotorShield D7 servo port

Step 2)Download servo test sketch file from https://osoyoo.com/driver/sg90car/steeringtest.zip , unzip this file , you will see a folder named servo, enter this folder, you will find a steeringtest.ino file.

Step 3)double click steeringtest.ino file, upload the code into Arduino. Your servo will rotate and finally stopped at front degree position. If your front wheels do not facing to front. Please release the direction arm from servo, adjust the front wheels and make them facing straight forward direction. Then fasten the wheel arm onto the steering servo.


The text of the Arduino getting started guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Code samples in the guide are released into the public domain.
This paper is from:https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/HomePage,more info please click:https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Environment