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OSOYOO Servo Steer Smart Car for Raspberry Pi Lesson 2: Software Installation and Basic Movement

Post Time: 2020-03-02 17:03:47 Category: P3 Servo Steering Robot Car


Circuit Connection:

Picture 1:Connect PCA9685 compatible board to raspberry pi board as per picture 1.

Picture 2:Connect Model Pi six control pins to the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins and PCA9685 PCA9685 Compatible module as picture 2.

Picture 3: Model Pi connection map to Raspberry Pi board as per picture 3.

Motor Model Pi
Right Motor K1/K2
Left Motor K3/K4

Steering Servo connect to port 15 of PCA9685

Software Download and Running

wget http://osoyoo.com/driver/servo-steer-car/pi-basic.py
python pi-basic.py

After above python is running, you motors will move forward  and then move backward  , and turn left for   then turn right, then back to right and finally back to left.

You can read the sample python code in https://osoyoo.com/driver/p3-car/v3car-basic.py . If you have some basic python knowledge, you can easily understand how to customize the code for your own application.


DownLoad Url osoyoo.com

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