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- The building Robot Car Kit includes over 400 parts, such as bricks, gears, axis, and one-piece Controller board, expansion board, ultrasonic sensor, Wi-Fi module, servo motor, humidity and temperature sensor, battery, 2 tracking sensor modules, Photoresistor, motors, and wheels.
- The building Robot Car Kit is designed to provide kids with an interesting and challenging DIY building experience, allowing them to create different types of Robot cars with robotic movement and mechanical structures.
- The building Robot Car Kit helps to enhance kids’ imagination and creativity, hand-eye coordination, self-confidence, and promotes the importance of teamwork and collaboration.
- This kit is based on the OSOYOO basic board, which is compatible with UNO. It is an open-source electronics archetype platform for electronics engineers, hobbyists, designers, or anyone interested in creating interactive electronics projects.
- This building Robot car kit provides graphical programming (for basic projects) and IDE (for IOT projects). It is suitable for teenagers or adults who want to learn basic programming languages.
- This learning kit provides 7 sample lessons, including basic movement, following light, line tracking, obstacle avoidance, robot gripper, Wi-Fi remote control, and IOT project. These tutorials teach users how to build, code, and run the robot car.
- OSOYOO Expansion board and Sensor modules are designed with XH2.54 ports to avoid many potential errors novice users encounter with similar products.